Advances in Engineering Innovation
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  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023012

    LexiGuard: Elevating NLP robustness through effortless adversarial fortification

    NLP models have demonstrated susceptibility to adversarial attacks, thereby compromising their robustness. Even slight modifications to input text possess the capacity to deceive NLP models, leading to inaccurate text classifications. In the present investigation, we introduce Lexi-Guard: an innovative method for Adversarial Text Generation. This approach facilitates the rapid and efficient generation of adversarial texts when supplied with initial input text. To illustrate, when targeting a sentiment classification model, the utilization of product categories as attributes is employed, ensuring that the sentiment of reviews remains unaltered. Empirical assessments were conducted on real-world NLP datasets to showcase the efficacy of our technique in producing adversarial texts that are both more semantically meaningful and exhibit greater diversity, surpassing the capabilities of numerous existing adversarial text generation methodologies. Furthermore, we leverage the generated adversarial instances to enhance models through adversarial training, demonstrating the heightened resilience of our generated attacks against model retraining endeavors and diverse model architectures.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023013

    Database security

    In the modern technological tapestry, the security of database systems has burgeoned into a prominent concern for institutional frameworks. This urgency is invigorated by a dual confluence: the shifting industry paradigm which underscores the primacy of expansive data collections, coupled with the proliferation of legislative frameworks that zealously guard the sanctity of individual consumer data. The core aim of this discourse is to furnish a panoramic understanding of indispensable measures to bolster database security, with an amplified emphasis on countering SQL injection threats. The introductory segment delineates essential fortification strategies and succinctly touches upon optimal practices for shaping a database environment’s network topography and error mitigation methodologies. Subsequent to this panoramic insight, the discourse pivots to spotlight a diverse array of methodologies to discern and neutralize SQL injection forays.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023014

    Intrusion detection in cybersecurity

    The ever-increasing complexity of cyber threats mandates advanced defense mechanisms. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have emerged as fundamental tools in cybersecurity, incessantly monitoring networks for any suspicious activities. This paper offers an in-depth examination of IDS, tracing its evolution, methodologies, challenges, and future trajectories, substantiating the assertions with empirical studies and research.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023015

    Linux security

    Linux is an open source Operating system that is for the most part freely available to the public. Due to its customizability and cost to performance benefits Linux has quickly been adopted by users and companies alike for use in applications such as servers and workstation. As the spread of Linux continues it is important for security specialists to understand the platform and the security issues that affect the platform as well. This paper seeks to first educate the users on what the Linux platforms is and what it offers to the user or company. And it then will expand upon some common or recent vulnerabilities that Linux faces due to the way it functions. After explaining some exploits, the paper will then seek to explain some hardening solutions that are available on the platform.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023016

    Social engineering

    The realm of cybersecurity is replete with challenges, not least among them being the art of social engineering. This form of attack leverages human tendencies such as trust, leading to potential breaches. Though more covert than brute force or technical hacks, social engineering can be insidiously effective. Within this exposition, we probe various manifestations of social engineering: from phishing to pretexting, baiting to tailgating, and the subtle act of shoulder surfing, concluding with mitigation strategies.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023017

    SQL injection attacks

    SQL Injection (SQLi) attacks continue to pose significant threats to modern web applications, compromising data integrity and confidentiality. This research delves into the development and evaluation of methodologies designed to detect and mitigate these malicious attacks. Employing a diverse set of web applications, the study unfolds in a controlled environment, simulating real-world conditions to assess the effectiveness of current defense mechanisms against SQLi. Building upon this baseline, the research introduces a two-pronged defense mechanism: a Static Analysis Tool to pre-emptively identify vulnerabilities in application code and a Runtime Query Sanitizer that employs rule-based patterns and machine learning models to scrutinize and sanitize SQL queries in real-time. Performance evaluation metrics, encompassing detection rate, false positives, response time, and machine learning efficiency, are meticulously documented. Further robustness of these mechanisms is ascertained through real-world simulations involving unsuspecting users and ethical hackers. Initial results indicate promising potential for the introduced methodologies in safeguarding web applications against SQLi attacks. The study's findings serve as a critical step towards fortifying web applications, emphasizing the amalgamation of static analysis and real-time query sanitization as an effective countermeasure against SQLi threats.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023018

    Router forensics: Navigating the digital crossroads

    As the digital landscape continues to evolve, routers have become central gatekeepers, governing the flow of information in networks. This study delves deep into the realm of router forensics, focusing on the methodologies and techniques employed to extract and analyze forensic data from these pivotal devices. Drawing upon both traditional and contemporary approaches, our research underscores the significance of router logs, volatile data, and the challenges that arise in their forensic analysis. We highlight the pressing need for standardized forensic protocols, especially in the face of diverse router architectures and rapidly emerging cyber threats. Our study also emphasizes the potential of leveraging advanced technologies, such as machine learning, in enhancing forensic capabilities. By providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of router forensics and shedding light on potential future trajectories, this research aims to fortify the cybersecurity community's arsenal against escalating cyber threats, ensuring a more secure and resilient digital ecosystem.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023019

    Cloud computing- Benefits, challenges, and promises

    The era of cloud computing has ushered in a transformative approach to information technology, redefining the operational modalities for businesses and individuals alike. With an overwhelming shift towards Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models, the cloud landscape is proving to be both promising and challenging. This study undertook a mixed-methods approach, surveying IT professionals and interviewing organizational leaders, to gauge the current state of cloud adoption. Our findings underscore the dominance of SaaS, with security emerging as a paramount concern. Comparative evaluations of major cloud providers further elucidate the nuances in offerings and pricing strategies. As cloud computing continues its upward trajectory, the onus is on understanding and addressing its multifaceted challenges while leveraging its myriad benefits. This paper concludes by highlighting pivotal areas for future research, encompassing hybrid cloud strategies, the amalgamation of emerging technologies, and cloud's role in Industry 4.0.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023020

    Harnessing the power of federated learning to advance technology

    Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a transformative paradigm in machine learning, advocating for decentralized, privacy-preserving model training. This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of contemporary FL frameworks – TensorFlow Federated (TFF), PySyft, and FedJAX – across three diverse datasets: CIFAR-10, IMDb reviews, and the UCI Heart Disease dataset. Our results demonstrate TFF's superior performance on image classification tasks, while PySyft excels in both efficiency and privacy for textual data. The study underscores the potential of FL in ensuring data privacy and model performance, yet emphasizes areas warranting improvement. As the volume of edge devices escalates and the need for data privacy intensifies, refining and expanding FL frameworks become essential for future machine learning deployments.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-10-07 Doi: 10.54254/2977-3903/2/2023021

    Malware authorship attribution: Unmasking the culprits behind malicious software

    With the digital age ushering in an unprecedented proliferation of malware, accurately attributing these malicious software variants to their original authors or affiliated groups has emerged as a crucial endeavor in cybersecurity. This study delves into the intricacies of malware authorship attribution by combining traditional analytical techniques with advanced machine learning methodologies. An integrated approach, encompassing static and dynamic analyses, yielded promising results in the challenging realm of malware attribution. Despite the encouraging outcomes, the research highlighted the multifaceted complexities involved, especially considering the sophisticated obfuscation techniques frequently employed by attackers. This paper emphasizes the merits of a holistic attribution model and underscores the importance of continuous innovation in the face of an ever-evolving threat landscape.

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